
Европейский форум по электронному здравоохранению телемедицине неотложной медицине и медицине катастроф

Tele Medicine Review

is designed for information, discussion and networking purposes for the European and Russian Telemedicine- , E-Health-, Emergency- and Catastrophe Medicine community as well as for the information and communication demands of those medical- and research expert-organizations who are participating and working within the European-Russian Modernization Partnership.

E-Health and telemedicine are becoming more and more important for transborder experience exchange and medical and research collaboration to support experts to avoid time and cost consuming correspondences, travelling, mailing files and mass documentations etc. and assists direct and personal communication by video talking and conferencing.

E-Health has become also a central relevancy in the fields of hospital planning, designing, operating and management. Internal workflows, Hospital Information Systems, electronic patient files and documentation (etc.) are most important aspects in terms of medical service quality, hospital infrastructure designing, cost consciousness and general efficiency. E-Health and Telemedicine will help to improve quality management in all areas of medical service regarding in- and out-patient care.

Tele Medicine Review is not designed for broad open publication among everybody acting in the world wide healthcare market. Tele Medicine Review will concentrate all sorts of medical and medical research activities among defined experts who are professional part of the community, but will be still open for new members, ideas and proposals.

Tele Medicine Review is also addressed to students and young scientists who are looking for new streams, targets and results in medical progress as well as in rescue and emergency general and infrastructure improvements.